Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Thank you for your interest in the Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. The GSP District has established the program, in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). The Airport District has received Federal financial assistance from the US Department of Transportation, and as a condition of receiving this assistance, the Airport District has signed an assurance that it will comply with CFR Part 23 and CFR Part 26.
Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
It is the policy of the Airport District to ensure that ACDBE’s as defined in Part 23, have an equal opportunity to participate in Airport Concession contracts. It is also our policy:
- To ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of Airport Concession contracts
- To create a level playing field on which DBEs can complete fairly for Airport Concession contracts
- To ensure that the ACDBE Program is narrowly tailored in accordance with applicable law
- To ensure that only firms that fully meet 49 CFR Part 23 eligibility standards are permitted to participate as ACDBEs
- To help remove barriers to participation of ACDBEs in Airport Concession contracts
- To provide appropriate flexibility in our airport in establishing and providing opportunities for ACDBEs
It is the policy of the District to ensure that DBE certified companies, as defined in CFR Part 26, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in DOT-assisted contracts. It is our policy:
- To ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of USDOT-assisted contracts
- To create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for USDOT-assisted contracts
- To ensure only firms that fully meet the eligibility standards are set forth in 49 CFR Part 26 are permitted to participate as DBEs
- To help remove barriers to participation of DBEs in USDOT-assisted contracts
- The District shall award contracts without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. The District shall not, nor shall it require its contractors to, award contracts or subcontracts to or to make purchases of materials or equipment for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises who are not qualified and who do not submit the lowest responsible bid(s)
The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) directory is provided as a service to those prime contractors who are in search of Certified DBE contractors. It is to be used as a guide for selecting certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises to utilize on State and/or Federal Aid Contracts. Information in the directory should be verified with the SCDOTs Office of Business Development and Special Programs.
The U.S. DOT Departmental Office of Civil Rights (DOCR) has posted a 4 minute 12 second video on YouTube providing an overview of the DBE program for FAA, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).